An Introduction to Nuzlockes: Pokémon’s Fan-Made Challenge Mode

<p>If you spend pretty much any time in circles with Pok&eacute;mon players, you&rsquo;ve probably heard the term Nuzlocke thrown around, but may not have known what it was or how it related to the game.</p> <p>A Nuzlocke is a player challenge for the main series Pok&eacute;mon games, created entirely by the fan community, that actually make it possible to&nbsp;<em>lose</em>&nbsp;a Pok&eacute;mon game if you aren&rsquo;t careful.</p> <p>The rules of a Nuzlocke are as follows:</p> <p>1: You can only catch the first Pok&eacute;mon you find in a new area</p> <p>2: You have to give a nickname to every Pok&eacute;mon you catch</p> <p>3: If a Pok&eacute;mon faints, it &ldquo;dies&rdquo; and can no longer be used. Players can choose whether to simply put their fainted team member into a PC box, or release it back to the wild</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Challenge Mode