Trusting your Gut — Third Eye Chakra Activation

<p>Your intuition is your most trusted confidant, your higher counsel&nbsp;, the one that always has your back and that you can trust to never steer you wrong&nbsp;. It is that inkling that we feel deep down inside, that voice in&nbsp;the&nbsp;back of our minds&nbsp;leading&nbsp;us in&nbsp;. It is our higher self offering us guidance and direction throughout our lives.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*BHycDECUkMFxBJG_6xA8aQ.png" style="height:700px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Image Created by author on Pixlr</p> <p>The Third Eye Chakra energy enhances your ability to see the true world&nbsp;. It gives you the ability to see deeper than the physical eyes are capable of and enhances your connection to the divine spirit&nbsp;. You may know it as your intuition but there is more to your third eye than just your gut feeling.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>