Ayahuasca May Not Change Your Life But Integration Most Certainly Will

<p>In his first journey, he had gone in with questions around his identity, sexuality, and a deep sense of disconnection he felt with himself and his life. He described it as feeling like there was a thin barrier between him and everyone else. He had tried his best attempts in therapy but was feeling like he wasn&rsquo;t making any progress. He was between taking an antidepressant as the next step up in his treatment or trying something more novel. He had encountered research around psychedelics and their ability to induce new connections and neural plasticity in the brain. Reports were coming out of the strong effects psychedelic modalities had on treating severe forms of depression and anxiety. He saw their promise and decided to pursue this alternative path.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@fayzanrabcoaching/ayahuasca-wont-change-your-life-but-integration-will-e307b0f3702c"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: certainly Will