The 2004 Athens Olympic Games Opening Ceremony review

<p>The 2004 Athens Summer Olympics, in the history of Olympic opening and closing ceremonies, stands out for its historical importance and the collective rave it received from domestic and international spectators alike. Directed by Dimitris Papaioannou, a Greek choreographer and artist, the largely positive reception is a proof of the production being victorious in bringing out the iconic messages and cultural significance that the game and the nation withholds. Adding in the incredible usage of never before seen technology for an Olympic event, the show continues to leave viewers awestruck to this day. The smooth narrative coupled with the complex technical networks not leaving any stone unturned in symbolising Greece, produced an ingenious exhibition. After the mandates of the Olympic Games Charter were met, the two theatrical sections brought out a surreal show.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>