CEO of CargoQuotes, Kevin Brandes Discusses the Benefits of JIT Inventory

<p>In decades past, manufacturers relied heavily on what is now described as a just in case (JIC) philosophy. The JIC model of acquiring and storing loads of excess parts and materials for later use made a lot of sense at the time according to Kevin Brandes, the CEO of logistics brokerage CargoQuotes, given how much less robust and efficient the shipping industry was.</p> <p>With its small, densely-populated landmass and well-developed infrastructure, Japan was the perfect breeding ground for a new, more efficient logistics model that was developed by Toyota in the 1970&rsquo;s called just in time (JIT). Rather than maintaining an abundance of on-site materials, deliveries are instead timed to replace materials right as they&rsquo;re about to run out.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>