The Truth About Hanukkah

<p>It is Hanukkah once again, and it&rsquo;s time we give up the secret. Because Santa and the joy of Hanukkah have something in common &mdash; they&rsquo;re both a lie.</p> <p>The miracle of the light that we celebrate on Hanukkah is a coverup, likely fabricated to instill hope. Because the real story is too dark, too scary, too painful, and definitely not for children.</p> <p>It is this:</p> <p>Around 2,200 years ago, the land of Judea had been occupied by the Greek Seleucid Empire. And in 168 BCE, King Antiochus IV Epiphanes launched a campaign of oppression against the inhabitant Jews, in which he went so far as to ban the practice of Judaism. In Judea.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>