My Parents — Caught on Camera

<p>This prompt comes from my good friend&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Karen Schwartz</a></p> <p>, who wants to know about &ldquo;<em>a</em>&nbsp;<em>time you caught your parents doing something they shouldn&rsquo;t be doing.&rdquo;</em></p> <p>Remember the old super 8 movie cameras from years ago? You know, the cameras with the giant flood lights. My dad and his brother both had one back in the early 1960&rsquo;s and took a lot of pride in their&nbsp;<em>home movies.&nbsp;</em>In fact, we would have family movie nights when I was a kid. Pop some corn, mom. Dad&rsquo;s getting out the projector.&nbsp;<em>Here we go again.</em></p> <p>My uncle once caught my parents on film and dad, in a moment of rare spontaneity, gave mom a surprise kiss right there in our living room, made brighter than the sun by those floodlights.&nbsp;That kiss is preserved on film for the ages. My sister still has it. That single kiss, caught in blinding light, is one of the few times I ever saw them show any affection in public.</p> <p>So, this is not going to be any spicy story you can rush off to tell your friends. My parents were the two of the most privately affectionate people I&rsquo;ve ever known. But I guess us three kids were hard evidence, no pun intended, they were affectionate on at least three occasions.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Caught Camera