The Path from Catholic to Pagan

<p>It&rsquo;s still surprising to me I started doing reiki and attending pagan festivals. I really didn&rsquo;t know what reiki was until I sat down in level one class. I knew it was something vaguely related to energy and healing and that it was practiced by people who smell like patchouli and talk a lot about crystals. Don&rsquo;t get me wrong. My values are as hippy as they come. But until I started attending burning man events, I was more of the free love and end capitalization kind of hippy. I prided myself in avoiding the more &ldquo;woo&rdquo; side of the commune.</p> <p>But once I started attending burning man events and spending time with those other kinds of hippies, I realized we had some things in common. I didn&rsquo;t always agree with their reasons for believing the things they do, but I could recognize that their spiritual experiences were very similar to mine.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Catholic Pagan