Cardano BREAKOUT Alert!

<p>Cardano began in 2015, started by Charles Hoskinson and Jeremy Wood. Hoskinson had left Ethereum because he had different ideas about how it should work. Input Output Hong Kong (IOHK) created Cardano, and it started in 2017. To get why Cardano and Ethereum are compared a lot, think about Ethereum&rsquo;s early problems. It had eight people who started it, and they didn&rsquo;t always agree. Hoskinson left, maybe because of these disagreements. Some people think of Cardano as his version of what Ethereum could have been.</p> <p>The main difference is in their basic ideas. Ethereum wants to be like a worldwide digital computer, running apps and always trying new things, even though it&rsquo;s not perfect. On the other hand, since starting in 2017, Cardano has been built carefully, with a lot of research and checks by experts. It&rsquo;s slower, but the aim is to be more reliable and avoid big problems, like what happened to Ethereum in 2016 when a part of it was attacked, causing Ethereum to split. Cardano&rsquo;s careful steps are meant to lower these risks, hoping to be the best place for people making apps and for users.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Cardano