What If My Car Kills Somebody?
<h1>The Authorities Arrive</h1>
<p>After the police arrives, first thing they do is they <strong>check the software</strong> of my car. It’s up to date, flawlessly maintained by the manufacturer from a thousand miles away. The hardware, i.e., the car itself, is fine, as well. I took the vehicle (or rather, <em>it</em> took <em>me</em>) to the <strong>regular checkups</strong> without fail. We never skipped them…</p>
<p>Well, <strong><em>I</em></strong> skipped one. I was busy and simply ordered the car to go to the checkup without me. It went and came back a few hours later. When I got in the next morning, upon turning on the car, a message on the screen welcomed me. It informed me that everything went well during the checkup and my car would let me know when the next one was due.</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/@the.essayist.nexus/what-if-my-car-kills-somebody-769578eb2cb0"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>