Captain John Danilecki presents a Clear and Present Danger to Boston

<p>In numerous videos of the march held in Boston yesterday, there was one figure who stood out. A Captain in the Boston Police Department &mdash; and the only BPD officer wearing a black vest covering his badge &mdash; this officer seemed to be routinely on the front lines in several violent altercations with protesters. He was seen routinely pushing protesters, leading the charge in scrums, and was even seen using pepper spray aggressively after crowds were already actively backing away. Based on several eyewitness confirmations &mdash; including matching the number on his helmet to Boston Police Department records &mdash; that person is Boston Police Captain John &ldquo;Jack&rdquo; Danilecki&sup1;.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Captain John