Capitalism Has Got Us Where It Wants Us

<p>M<strong>ost of us</strong>&nbsp;reading this have no doubt benefitted from Capitalism. We&rsquo;re probably sitting in a warm, dry house or room, staring at a good to moderate computer system. We&rsquo;ve probably got a coffee close by, and in about two hours, we&rsquo;ll probably have some lunch.</p> <p>This is my setup anyway, and yes, I&rsquo;m very, very lucky! I&rsquo;m the product of thousands of years of colonial exploitation, both at home and abroad, by my country.</p> <p>I&rsquo;m British, and at one time &mdash; as the saying goes &mdash; the sun never set on the British Empire. Unless you were a slave that is. Then it rose and set before and after you started your hellish day picking cotton or sugar for the companies that built it.</p> <p>Fast-forward 300 years, and this is the reason I&rsquo;m able to sit here in relative comfort and write these words. This is a fact. I accept it, but I&rsquo;m not proud of it. And like the slaves, I&rsquo;ll never get out of it, even if I wanted to.</p> <p>Many might argue, why would you? You&rsquo;ve got it all &mdash; you&rsquo;re lucky. You&rsquo;re free! It&rsquo;s a fair point. But is that it? Just because I&rsquo;m the product of years of exploitation, does that mean I should sit on my ass and simply accept it?</p> <p>I don&rsquo;t have children, so I can&rsquo;t pass on this wisdom that they should be grateful. I could, of course, tell them that they should do something about it. Fight the cause! But what if they started asking me some awkward questions, like</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>