Building a green bridge to connect sustainability capital to MSMEs

<p>(This experiment was done long go, before the notion of sustainability reached the current crescendo of mainstream consciousness. There was resistant to it then, with the natural question of what is the use another of such platform for last mile lenders, as it is not novel from the tech perspective, neither does it fit into any existing categorization. Looking back, this was actually when a new category was created for classifying innovation, out of the strange sense of discomfort that this may be a sign of things to come which cannot be shoe-horned into the traditional categories for banking, capital markets etc. As usual, the modus operandi when faced with such unknown is to simply focused on what I can do, which is to weave the suitable narrative to put he best foot of the experiment across, instead of focusing on other&rsquo;s expectations. The FinTech had since sprout wings beyond the red dot that incubated in, trying to find its niche in the larger world.)</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Capital MSMEs