Loy Canyon

<p>Loy Canyon is located about 12 miles west of Sedona, Arizona in the heart of the Red Rock Wilderness. Not only is the geology beautiful but there is amazing archaeology here as well and even one delicious taste of paleontology. The trail begins at the mouth of a wide canyon and gradually traverses hills before dropping into a wash. Fences soon close in on the trail as it winds through the wash. You are travelling through private property here and many days there is an annoying dog which slips through the fence to bark at you.</p> <p>Shortly after the private property fence line there is a hidden path which breaks off towards a side canyon. That side canyon is host to a wonderful pictograph site. Knowing where to leave the hidden path to bushwhack to the pictographs is even more obscure but once you find it the panels of rock art appear every few hundred feet. The pictographs begin in a small alcove with the ruins containing knee high stone walls. The pictographs begin with some of the oldest images known to man, handprints. Pictographs are drawn in black and white, and feature stick figure humans and animals in depictions of hunting scenes.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/wildlife-trekker/loy-canyon-351edca141dd"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
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