You Can’t Draw? Yes, You Can!

<p>How many times have you, or someone you know, made these statements:</p> <p>&ldquo;I can&rsquo;t even draw a stick figure!&rdquo;</p> <p>&ldquo;I can&rsquo;t draw even if I wanted to!&rdquo;</p> <p>&ldquo;I&rsquo;m too old/late to draw!&rdquo;</p> <p>&ldquo;I&rsquo;m not a Picasso!&rdquo;</p> <p>There are some reasons you may not want to draw. Maybe you saw someone else&rsquo;s work and thought that you weren&rsquo;t as good as them. Perhaps you were told by your teachers or parents to stop drawing because it interfered with schoolwork. Maybe you stopped because you were frustrated in getting the human form right.</p> <p>Whatever the reason may be, I would like to explore some of these reasons and share some insights that can help you to feel confident about drawing again.</p> <h1>You don&rsquo;t need to be an expert to draw</h1> <p>When we see the artwork of someone with many years under their belt, we think that we need to be somewhere around that level before we can draw. We think of master artists like Picasso or Leonardo DaVinci and believe that they have set the standard that we need to reach before any drawing can happen.</p> <p>Notice how this line of reasoning doesn&rsquo;t sound right. Ask yourself, &ldquo;Why would I need to be a master artist before I learn how to draw?&rdquo; Drawing is not exclusive for master artists. It is accessible for all levels: the inexperienced, the experienced, and everyone in between. That includes you.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Can’t Draw