Cannibal Gold

<p>The things that white people work so hard to extract from the depths of the earth, minerals and oil, are not foods. These are evil and dangerous things, saturated with coughs and fevers, which&nbsp;<em>Omama</em>&nbsp;was the only one to know. But long ago he decided to hide them very deep under the forest&rsquo;s floor so they could not make us sick. To protect us, he did not want anyone to be able to touch them. This is why they must be left where he has always kept them buried. The forest is the flesh and skin of our earth, which is the back of the old sky&nbsp;<em>Hutukara</em>&nbsp;that fell in the beginning of time. The metal&nbsp;<em>Omama</em>&nbsp;hid in its soil is its skeleton, which the forest surrounds in humid coolness. These are our&nbsp;<em>xapiri</em>&rsquo;s words, which the white people do not know. That is why these outsiders continue relentlessly digging the earth like giant armadillos, even though they already possess more than enough merchandise. Despite this, they do not think they will be contaminated like we are. They are wrong.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
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