Are basement suites good enough for Canadian families?

<p>My friend Tim lives in the smallest apartment I have ever seen. A single bed lines one wall, from which you could easily touch the opposite wall. When I asked if he&rsquo;d been writing much lately, he told me he couldn&rsquo;t because his desk was too small for a pen and paper (to be fair, he also mentioned he&rsquo;d been watching a lot of&nbsp;<em>Gunsmoke).</em>&nbsp;My guess is the apartment is 150 square feet.</p> <p>Tim doesn&rsquo;t live in this apartment due to some commitment to anti-consumerism, minimalism, or the environment. He&rsquo;s just very, very poor. He lives in that apartment because it&rsquo;s safe, warm, and in a part of the city that gives him distance from his past.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>