Gun Culture Showdown: Canada vs. USA

<p>When it comes to guns, Canadians and Americans have very different attitudes. Canadians love hockey, maple syrup, and apologizing; Americans love guns, freedom, and shooting things. While it would be remiss to deny that guns were integral to the colonization of both countries &mdash; because of the bears and oppression &mdash; America continues to have shocking amounts of gun violence and mass shootings while Canada hasn&rsquo;t had more than seventy-eight deaths in the entirety of the twenty-first century up to the time of this writing, the USA has had one-hundred-ninety-six mass shooting related deaths in between January first and March thirty-first in 2023 over one-hundred-thirty-four separate, unconnected, mass shootings. So let&rsquo;s take a look at the gun culture of both places and how these countries think about firearms. This is going to be a bit more on the serious side because of the nature of the topic, but I will still add a little pointed levity.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Canada USA