How Caesar Defeated Pompey the Great

<p>The triumvirate (literally &ldquo;the rule of three&rdquo;) was officially formed in 60 BC at Julius Caesar&rsquo;s initiative. Pompey and Crassus did not like each other, but such a political alliance benefited all. It allowed the co-rulers to control Rome, delegating powers to each other. Crassus had a considerable fortune and connections; Pompey was the most celebrated general and held significant political influence at the time. The younger Caesar had the support of both the people and the patricians, as he represented one of the most noble Roman families. Additionally, Pompey was a well-known Sullan, while Caesar came from the equally famous Marian family; their alliance united the two sides of the past, but not forgotten, civil war.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>