Byzantine Empire Walkthrough.

<p><strong>The Byzantine Empire&nbsp;</strong>was the eastern half of the Roman Empire, which split in two in 395 CE. The western half collapsed in 476 CE, but the eastern half continued to thrive for another thousand years.</p> <p><strong>The Byzantine Empire</strong>&nbsp;was centered on Constantinople, the former Greek city of Byzantium. Constantinople was strategically located on the Bosporus Strait, which connects the Black Sea to the Mediterranean Sea. This gave the Byzantines control over important trade routes.</p> <p><strong>The Byzantine Empire&nbsp;</strong>was a major center of Christianity. The Byzantines developed their own unique form of Christianity, known as Orthodox Christianity. Orthodox Christianity is still the dominant religion in Greece, Russia, and other Eastern European countries today.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>