Buying Treats When Money is Tight

<p>Before I get into the basic point of this article, I want to make a few things clear.</p> <p>First off, our house&rsquo;s foundation was a total wreck last year, and we paid a whole bunch of money to fix it. We are still paying off the loans that we took out, and I have until August to finish paying before I take an interest hit.</p> <p>Second, my partner and I are not struggling by any stretch of the imagination. I had a bad day at work yesterday, so we went out and spent $40 on dinner because we could. To put it another way, when I go grocery shopping, I do not count my pennies.</p> <p>Third, I have a handful of hobbies that can become expensive. One is video games. I try not to spend much on them, but most have a limited lifespan when it comes to my attention. The other is a recent one, which is mechanical keyboards. This hobby can become expensive very quickly.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Buying Treats