Scroll-to-top buttons must be accessible; here’s why!

<p>During a web development project, I had an exchange with intern developers who asked me if &ldquo;back-to-top&rdquo; buttons on web pages should be made keyboard accessible, based on an article they found on the internet, which seemed to support the decision&nbsp;<strong><em>not</em></strong>&nbsp;to make it accessible. Unfortunately, I can&rsquo;t find that article anymore, so I&rsquo;m writing this one as a reminder.</p> <p>The argument was that this type of button is the last element on the page, and only one tab away to get&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">keyboard-only users</a>&nbsp;back to the top of the page anyway, so it seemed repetitive.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>