January 2024 New Moon Business Forecast

<p>Mars moved into the hard-working, ambitious sign of&nbsp;<strong>Capricorn</strong>&nbsp;last week. Hopefully, you&rsquo;ve felt an extra boost of motivation and drive for your business this month.&nbsp;<strong>Energy in</strong>&nbsp;equals&nbsp;<strong>results out&nbsp;</strong>at the moment, so try to use this dynamic vibe the best you can.</p> <p>Use the forecast below to guide your&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/@lunarlemonade/forget-new-years-resolutions-grow-your-business-goals-with-new-moon-intentions-instead-9f77ac470f39" rel="noopener">intentions</a>&nbsp;under this&nbsp;<strong>New Moon</strong>&nbsp;and help set goals that can grow your business holistically. Uranus, the planet of surprise, adds a little harmonious support to your intention this cycle. Any sudden changes or shifts in direction that come your way could be just the&nbsp;<strong>positive momentum</strong>&nbsp;you need to push those goals forward.</p> <p><a href="https://lunarlemonade.medium.com/january-2024-new-moon-business-forecast-f6933b87e6c4"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>