The Inside Stuff on the 1980s NBA Business Boom

<p>Did you feel a slight pang of nostalgia? Did you expect to see Marv Albert&rsquo;s face and see a close up of Reggie Miller and Spike Lee trash-talking? That probably means you grew up watching the NBA in the 1990s, and you will appreciate this origin story of the NBA and big business even more. Where did your t-shirts with caricatures of NBA players come from? How did the idea for your Jordan&nbsp;<em>Come Fly with Me</em>&nbsp;VHS tape come about? Who made it possible for you to watch&nbsp;<em>Inside Stuff</em>&nbsp;every Saturday?</p> <p>Pete Croatto, through hundreds of interviews and years of research, answers a lot of those questions and more. I almost feel bad that he did all this work, and all we need to do is spend a few hours of our life to learn so much about the NBA in the 1980s (that is how all books work, you might say).</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Business Boom