The Tension Between Business & Humanity in the Digital Age

<p>Tosay that the tension between the business world and society as a whole is at a high water mark might be an understatement. Growing income inequality, the constant downward pressure on wages. Tech CEOs already declaring they&rsquo;re going to be cutting thousands of knowledge worker jobs thanks to Artificial Intelligence. Union busting by corporations. Trade wars heating up. And rampant inflation tossing gasoline onto the fire. And so on.</p> <p>The upshot is that we are in the opening phase of global sociocultural change. Much of this facilitated by digital technologies that are causing us to question our values, capitalism and the very core of the financial industry.</p> <p>Cryptocurrency, for example, is not about the technology. It is an argument against the current financial system that has moved away from creating broader social economic equality. The technology behind crypto is what enables the argument to be expressed.</p> <p>While this may seem like a tirade against capitalism, it is not. Done right, capitalism, aligned with democracy, is good. But capitalism has gone off course a wee bit, edging towards authoritarianism. For many industries today, the customer is not the people of the world, it is the shareholder and the reward to them is the dividend.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>