Human Design Projectors + Overwork = Burnout + Bitterness

<p>As a Projector, how you use your energy directly impacts your mood and ability to navigate your life. Some Projectors are initially really irritated to find out that they are not Manifestors &mdash; here to get things started and &lsquo;make it happen&rsquo; or Generators because they feel like they have already been doing all the work.</p> <p>However, a significant portion of Projectors let out a massive sigh of relief upon hearing that they&rsquo;re not supposed to work a traditional 9&ndash;5 or push to &ldquo;Make It Happen.&rdquo; They finally feel seen because they&nbsp;<em>know</em>&nbsp;they can&rsquo;t sustainably work like most people, deep in their bones. If a Projector does not recognize this way of working is not sustainable, they end up in burnout around the age of 30.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>