Trapped in a Burning Tower of Babel: The Language of Enforced Ignorance

<p>The founder of the antiracism movement has admitted that it is discriminatory and racist, that in fact, fighting racism with more racism is its strategy. Therefore, that tenet of the philosophy underpinning the movement is not questioned, but taken at face value. It is supported by the writings, edicts, and actions of the antiracists. It is a philosophy that was destined to fail the moment that it was conceived.</p> <p>The agenda &mdash; the bias &mdash; supported by this magazine, asserts that fighting racism with racism is not simply wrong, but ineffective. But it is also wrong. It is totalitarian in its outlook and aims. It creates unnecessary division and strife. It fantasizes about armageddon and the destruction of society, and therefore it is a threat to civilization and civilized values, notably equality, liberty, and enlightened empiricism. There are more compassionate, humane, effective means of fighting racism&hellip;that do not require people to become the monsters they claim to despise.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Burning Tower