The Bum Thumb

<p>&ldquo;Yeah, if you get time between loads of grain, you could swap out the universal joint on that red International truck.&rdquo;</p> <p>Geoffrey was getting bored in the combine, and it was too early for a Bud Light, so his anxious mind stewed as he pondered all the things that needed to be done on the farm.</p> <p>He agonized and gave orders. Orders that sometimes resembled questions. It&rsquo;s how he operated.</p> <p>It was already his third call that hour, each with a different request to add to his honey-do list.</p> <p>Okay, I thought. I&rsquo;ve only got 16 other things to do. What&rsquo;s one more? I grabbed the nearest pen and pad.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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