Ninja build Baldur’s Gate 3

<p>As promised this is my first guide and build to Baldur&rsquo;s Gate 3. Today we are looking at a build I am very happy to say works just as intended and is very fun to play. Not only does it satisfy the role-player-minded person who wants to fit a certain class fantasy, but it also is pretty strong. As the title suggests it is a rogue monk multi-class. But before we jump into the build we need to go over some lesser-known facts about monk. If that doesn&rsquo;t interest you there&rsquo;s a TLDR a little farther down if you want to just quick scan for the build.</p> <h2>Any weapon you are proficient with is a monk weapon.</h2> <p>So there are various rule changes and additions in Baldur&rsquo;s Gate 3 that aren&rsquo;t in normal DnD 5th edition. One of these changes is what counts as a monk weapon. In normal DnD it&rsquo;s only short swords and any simple weapon that isn&rsquo;t two-handed or heavy. In Baldur&rsquo;s Gate 3 it&rsquo;s any weapon you are proficient in that isn&rsquo;t heavy or two-handed. Which means you can use a rapier as a monk weapon. And luckily for us, rogue gives us proficiency in rapiers, a step up from short swords.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>