Painting Where the Buffalo Roam

<p>Summer seems to be flying by here in Canada and we have been busy. We finished one large mural at the tail end of June and have now finished our second summer project. This one is much smaller but it is already making an impact.</p> <p>We were approached while we were painting our last project at the&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">Canmore Legion</a>. The lady told us that she had been wanting a mural for some time but wasn&rsquo;t entirely sure what she wanted. Then when she saw our poppies, they made her think that she wanted some wild roses in her mural.</p> <p>We met with her a day later and got a greater sense of her space and what she was looking for, then we came up with a basic concept design.</p> <p>We painted at the Where the Buffalo Roam Saloon which is located on Main Street in Canmore, Alberta, Canada. Canmore is a very trendy and busy tourist town that is located just down the road from Banff and Banff National Park.</p> <p>To say that this town has changed a lot here since I was a kid (I grew up in Canmore) is a massive understatement. It&rsquo;s impossible to even try to describe how polar opposite it is now, in comparison to those dusty and dirty post-coal mine days that the town was built on.</p> <p><strong>These days Canmore shimmers and shines and has upscale food and beverage plus world-class experiences.</strong></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Buffalo Roam