Thai Pink Buffalo Mushrooms

<p>The Thai Pink Buffalo is a popular magic mushroom strain and exhibits the qualities of many other SE Asia varieties. But where did the Thai Pink Buffalo Mushroom come from, and what is the lore behind it? In this article we will attempt to provide the origin story of this mystical mushroom.</p> <p>Pink Buffalo mushrooms are a type of Psilocybe cubensis originating from Koh Samui, an island off the coast of Thailand. They&rsquo;re also known as Thai Pink Buffalo, PB, or sometimes Hairy Buffalo. Partygoers on neighboring Koh Phangan often favor the Koh Samui variety during full moon festivals.</p> <p>An American mycologist nicknamed &ldquo;Mushroom John&rdquo; is credited with identifying Pink Buffalo mushrooms in the late 1990s to early 2000s. These mushrooms are very similar to other Southeast Asian P. cubensis varieties like Lipa Yai, Ban Hua, Koh Samui Super Strain and Cambodian magic mushrooms.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>