How Much Should I Budget for Illustration?

<p>Figuring out how you should budget for illustration work is definitely a tricky thing to figure out. If you&rsquo;ve never hired an illustrator before, or a freelancer in general it can be even more difficult to figure out. In this article I&rsquo;m going to talk to you a bit about some of the challenges you&rsquo;ll face in figuring out how much you should budget as well as some scenarios you may run into along the way.</p> <h1>Understanding the Cost of Illustrations</h1> <p>The biggest part to knowing how much to budget for illustration is knowing how much it costs to hire an illustrator. In general illustrators tend to price their services in two different fashions, hourly and project based. Personally, I never charge an hourly rate because there can be a lot of hidden dangers in doing so on both sides (more on that in a future article). I charge my clients on a project-to-project bases, this basically means a flat rate fee for the project. With this method the only thing that can cause the price of the project to go up is a change in Scope or what is known as &ldquo;Scope Creep&rdquo;.</p> <p>When it comes to illustrators working hourly you can expect different prices depending on the different levels of expertise. Generally, college students or those who recently graduated will be a lot cheaper than professionals who have been illustrating for a decade or more. With illustrators who are still in college you can expect to pay between $25&ndash;50/hr, whereas working with more seasoned illustrators you&rsquo;d be looking at between $100&ndash;250+/hr. It all really depends.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>