[UPDATED] SFTR Response to: Proposed SFMTA Budget Charter Amendment

<p>On Tuesday November 7, 2023, Supervisor Ahsha Safa&iacute; (District 11), introduced changes to the proposed&nbsp;<a href="https://sfgov.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&amp;ID=12429725&amp;GUID=E7A800E8-D936-43A2-B84A-F5A61CADAEC9" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">charter amendment&nbsp;</a>that would politicize the SFMTA&rsquo;s budget when it comes to increasing transit fares or parking fees. The Board adopted the changes. The charter amendment will be considered again on&nbsp;<strong>Tuesday November 14,&nbsp;</strong>2023&ndash;the last opportunity to speak out and urge our Supervisors to vote NO on this misguided amendment.</p> <p><strong>This proposed amendment is not the political accountability we need.</strong></p> <p><strong>Your Supervisor needs to hear from you!</strong>&nbsp;To know that you ride transit, you are paying attention, and that you do not support this dangerous threat to SFMTA funding.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@SFTRU/updated-sftr-response-to-proposed-sfmta-budget-charter-amendment-6c519184bc9b"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Budget Charter