Idiot Compassion is not a Buddhist Value.

<p>Sometimes, in Buddhism, I see people talk about compassion for their enemies as some kind of magical healing elixer. There is no mention of how someone should stand up for or protect themselves from people who abuse and harm them. Even high lamas like the late FMPT lamas, lama Yeshe and lama Zopa encouraged DV victims to pray with their husbands and told child abuse victims that their misfortune was the result of karma, not their parents abuses. Now, lamas are a little like lawyers. You talk to one hundred of them, you get one hundred opinions. I am throwing my iron in the question of &ldquo;what do you do about people who abuse you?&rdquo; as a matter of Buddhist ethics.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Buddhist value