Into The Straw: Vancouver’s Obsession with Bubble Tea

<p><strong>On Saturday afternoon, I stood in line at the local caf&eacute; waiting to order my usual pick-me-up.</strong>&nbsp;Cold air and the smell of freshly brewed coffee blended together each time the door opened as people continuously shuffled in and out of the warm haven. There were a variety of people in line, though most were either students or workers.</p> <p>After grabbing my drink, I scanned the shop for an empty seat. As usual, it was quite crowded. Many had their eyes fixated on their devices while others were settled in comfortably and chatting with friends, or were perhaps waiting to meet someone for the first time. This was a completely ordinary scenario that could be found at almost any coffee shop. But as I sat down, I began to fidget.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: bubble Tea