The Midterms Broke America in Half

<p>I&rsquo;ve seen many laud the lack of a &ldquo;Red wall&rdquo; as a victory, but perhaps what&rsquo;s happened is just as bad, if not worse, in the long run. You see, this election was supposed to be telling. And it was. Six years on from the onset of Trumpism, in a digital age where information travels at the speed of light, when even the most politically oblivious were aware of what was going on, this election was going to be a definitive vote on the direction America was supposed to go in &mdash; and America decided to go its separate ways.</p> <p>Blue is blue and Red is red. Yes, it&rsquo;s been that way for long, but politics for the longest time hasn&rsquo;t been as charged as it has been of late. You could differ on taxes from your neighbor but still have dinner with them. Not anymore. Now, it&rsquo;s more than policy.&nbsp;What Blue and Red differ on is&nbsp;<em>reality</em>.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Broke America