“Breaking Barriers: Challenging Age Limits in the Software Engineering Industry”

<p>In an era where technology rapidly evolves, the demand for fresh, innovative minds in the software engineering field remains constant. Yet, a troubling trend persists: age limits are imposed on candidates, barring talented individuals above a certain age from entering the industry as freshmen. It&rsquo;s time we question this practice and consider the untapped potential it holds back.</p> <p>The argument for imposing age limits often revolves around the idea of hiring candidates with fresh perspectives and agile minds. While this makes sense, it overlooks the immense value that life experiences bring to the table. In reality, innovation thrives when we mix the exuberance of youth with the wisdom that comes with age.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@chandravijaya1964/breaking-barriers-challenging-age-limits-in-the-software-engineering-industry-82f49d034f37"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>