Dear Church, We’re Breaking Up

<p>I know this will probably come as a surprise to you, given your propensity to believe that you are God&rsquo;s gift to the world. Heck, I even believed that myself for a while.</p> <p>You dressed up all nice for me and flashed me an irresistible smile when I first walked into the room. After the service, you invited me out for coffee and introduced me to all your friends. You made me feel like I belonged. Before too long, we were going steady.</p> <p>Every week we would catch up and spend hours together. We&rsquo;d talk about life, love, and the universe. Actually &mdash; now that I think about it &mdash; you would talk, and I&rsquo;d just listen. You loved me just sitting there and listening and taking on board everything you were saying. And, to be fair, you taught me plenty of valuable lessons.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Breaking Up