My Bra Shopping Experience

<h2>Working in Retail Made Me Enjoy Bra Shopping</h2> <p>But for the last year and a half, I have been working at a clothing store. My views on bra shopping have completely changed!</p> <p>For one thing, I work at a discount store. So the bras are pretty affordable, especially when they are on sale. Also, it is interesting to see all the bras that the customers buy. Black camouflage, celestial patterns, leopard print, and pink florals are some of my favorites.</p> <p>It might sound weird, but sometimes I can&rsquo;t help but compare my chest size with those of the other women. Seeing the selections from women close to my size gives me some hope that I will find a pretty and/or funky bra, too.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: bra Shopping