Bowie: The Great Explorer

<p>Whilst there were no new biographical facts or information about his life that I hadn&rsquo;t already greedily digested about Bowie over the years,&nbsp;<strong>Brett Morgen</strong>&rsquo;s&nbsp;<em>Moonage Daydream</em>&nbsp;made me feel more optimism about life than I&rsquo;ve come to expect from watching any film, ever before.</p> <p>As is habit with films I wait to see with eager anticipation, I didn&rsquo;t read any reviews or listen to any of the pre-release pundit-musings by experts in the media. I just went to see it without expectation, and like the songs of the man himself, the film changed me.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Bowie