Let’s Talk Bottom Growth

<p>S<strong>o&hellip;bottom growth. That&rsquo;s a thing.&nbsp;</strong>It&rsquo;s one of the earliest changes for individuals assigned female at birth who begin taking T. And it&rsquo;s an absolutely&nbsp;<em>wild&nbsp;</em>ride. A rollercoaster ride that isn&rsquo;t adequately talked about before most people enter the theme park, so I&rsquo;m happy to share my two cents.</p> <p>When I started T in June 2020, I noticed the beginnings of my bottom growth within a week. My &ldquo;downstairs button&rdquo; became increasingly sensitive and a bit more visible than it had been before. I ended up needing to shift from wearing my usual cheeky underwear to wearing a pack of Jockey&rsquo;s boxer briefs to be able to effectively distance myself from the almost constant sensation.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/prismnpen/whats-going-on-down-there-a08f62583de9"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Bottom Growth