Boost your DeFi earnings with Navi & Cetus. Enjoy augmented APR and grab the chance to win the bonus.

<p>How to maximize capital efficiency and yield performance for on-chain assets is a popular topic for all DeFi users. Sui users have the same question. Now, as more and more DeFi protocols and dApps with various services emerge in the Sui ecosystem, users can enjoy augmented APR through the combined use of multiple products.</p> <p>Among all DeFi protocols,&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;DEX + Lending&rdquo;</strong>&nbsp;might be the most classic combination chosen by users who want to increase their capital utilization. Users on Sui can conduct the same to boost their yields, earning both supply interest and LP income.&nbsp;<strong>Cetus</strong>&nbsp;is very happy to collaborate with&nbsp;<strong>Navi</strong>, the leading lending protocol on Sui, to launch an&nbsp;<strong>interact-to-earn campaign</strong>&nbsp;that encourages active usage of both our DEX and lending infrastructure. Users can enjoy&nbsp;<strong>double-yield performance</strong>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<strong>boosted APR</strong>, and at the same time get a chance to win our campaign bonus.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*hdr3Lhm7jFbZsjsN" style="height:394px; width:700px" /></p> <h1><strong>Campaign Details</strong></h1> <p><strong>Tasks:</strong></p> <p>1. Supply SUI or WETH (&gt;$10) on Navi to enjoy supply APR</p> <p>2. Borrow USDC (&gt;$5) from Navi</p> <p>3. Add SUI-USDC liquidity (&gt;$10) on Cetus to become an LP, earning transaction fees and farming rewards</p> <p><strong>Event duration:</strong>&nbsp;01/09/2023, 00:00&ndash;15/09/2023, 00:00 UTC</p> <p><strong>Bonus reward:&nbsp;</strong>7500 $CETUS + 500 $SUI</p> <p><strong>Raffle:</strong>&nbsp;After the end of the event, 50 eligible users who completed all the tasks will be chosen randomly to share the bonus reward.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: DeFi Earnings