Steal Like a Prompt Engineer: Ditch the Shame To Boost AI Creativity

<p>You, my friend, are a prompt engineer, not an ice cream truck driver. Stop trying to make everyone like you. Forget the vanilla world of code; you&rsquo;re an explorer in the avant-garde realm of generative AI. Here nobody has the golden prompt and every move you make can summon vicious dragons. This is why you must&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;Steal Like an Artist&rdquo;</em>&nbsp;in the spirit of Austin Kleon&rsquo;s transformative book, and apply cunning artist&rsquo;s approach to the niche field of prompt engineering by learning, evolving, synthesizing, and transcending the limits of generative AI models. Just don&rsquo;t expect smiling faces to greet your digital concoctions. Is your creative passion strong enough to face hate comments, guilt, shame and future lawsuits?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: boost AI