Boomers vs. Millennials: Do We Feud Because We’re Actually a Lot Alike?

<p>Yeah, I&rsquo;m a Baby Boomer and I&nbsp;<em>am</em>&nbsp;okay with it!</p> <p>If you read the articles here on&nbsp;<em>Crow&rsquo;s Feet</em>&nbsp;often and relate to what we writers have to share, you are very likely a Baby Boomer, too. We&rsquo;re a pretty cool bunch of people who have seen and done a lot, right?</p> <p>What I am growing increasingly&nbsp;<em>not</em>&nbsp;okay with, and you may feel the same way, is being the butt of jokes in articles or on social media about my lack of technical expertise and being &ldquo;out of touch&rdquo; with anything current or popular. I don&rsquo;t like the feeling of being unseen and diminished because of my age.</p> <p>The phrase &ldquo;OK, Boomer&rdquo; was conjured up several years ago as a humorous way to dismiss our generation&#39;s way of life and the stereotype of us wasting decades as we chased the big money and accumulated stuff. But it&rsquo;s morphed into a general dismissal by younger generations of just about anything we share about our values. experience, ideas, and when we &mdash; shudder the thought &mdash; provide advice.</p> <p>But, before I get too high on my pedestal of righteousness, I must admit to taking a few shots at the Millennials in my world. I&rsquo;ve commented about their need for constant &ldquo;gold stars&rdquo; for everything they do at work and their impatience with the &ldquo;process&rdquo; that life and work can be at times as if that&rsquo;s something all 72 million Millennials think and do.</p> <p>And I am of the opinion, Dear Millennial, that I don&rsquo;t need to see a picture of every plate of food you&rsquo;ve ever been served or the airport gate waiting area before you even leave on your trip. What a bunch of over-sharers!</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>