Boomers, Gen-Z, and the Election of 2024

<p>The African-American writer and journalist John A. Williams described the dawn of 1963 as a time of &ldquo;hope.&rdquo; The country, on race relations, according to Williams, was &ldquo;tensed on the line, ready as always to go,&rdquo; and President John F. Kennedy had a &ldquo;rhythm that sounded right.&rdquo; Williams added: &ldquo;The old men were out; the young ones in. And the nation was young and becoming younger still.&rdquo;</p> <p>Strange times. Today, there is&nbsp;<strong>no</strong>&nbsp;chance for anyone young, barring a miracle in the election of 2024 to become President. America, dominated by its ridiculous two party system, is headed full steam ahead to an election where the two candidates have high negatives and don&rsquo;t seem to be cognitively up to the job.&nbsp;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Boomers