Book Review on Athens: City of Wisdom by Bruce Clark — written April 21, 2023

<p>I would recommend the book to anyone who&rsquo;s interested in Greek history. If I could summarize the book in a sentence: it is that Athens has been a microcosm of the entire Greek world since ancient times, and represents what has been going on all over the ancient Greek world.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s interesting to note that it&rsquo;s a microcosm of the ancient Greek world, but it really hasn&rsquo;t always been that way. And that&rsquo;s where the book begins at sort of begins in prehistory were Mycenae was more of a central focus of the Greek world, but then things shifted over to Attica. Thucydides, a tribute to the rise of Athens, due to the sparse farming climate. Thucydides basically says that given that it wasn&rsquo;t really a fertile region, people had to cooperate with each other quite a bit and had to be innovative. Then he goes into the historical attic right before the golden age and then he talks about extensively the golden age, and how the acropolis was built by funding from Pericles. He also spent quite a bit of time with Socrates, walking through Athens, and then build up his time through the Roman. And then the Hellenistic era, and then the Byzantine empire. There&rsquo;s a lot of detail that&rsquo;s covered, and I actually learned quite a bit that I did not know previously.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Review Athens