How Nasty Can Book Publishing Get?

<p>It works &mdash; until you get caught, or the internet trolls come after you, or your life is threatened by a crazed psychopath who knows what you did and wants you to pay for it. Big time.</p> <p>Novels about authors who try to soar on stolen wings have boomed in the past few years. Jean Hanff Korelitz&rsquo;s&nbsp;<em>The Plot&nbsp;</em>has a teacher who steals a student&rsquo;s plot. Alexandra Andrews&rsquo;&nbsp;<em>Who Is Maud Dixon?&nbsp;</em>involves a conniving<em>&nbsp;</em>editorial assistant.<em>&nbsp;</em>Chris Power&rsquo;s&nbsp;<em>Lonely Man</em>&nbsp;centers on a blocked writer who steals a friend&rsquo;s story.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>