Redder and Bluer States: Are We Seeing a Rise of One-Party Rule in U.S. Governments?

<p>The presence of legitimate competition in business is one of the hallmarks of a healthy economy. Competition is needed in sports to make games interesting and keep fans invested. It&rsquo;s needed in various other businesses so that customers can &ldquo;vote with their wallet&rdquo; by going with the best deals and making businesses respond by catering to said customers, such as with cars, restaurants, computers, and music.</p> <p>The same goes for politics. One of the most important attributes for a government to have is accountability. That accountability comes, in large part, through competition. If there isn&rsquo;t another real option to vote for, there is no incentive for a lone candidate to listen to voters that aren&rsquo;t necessarily enthused with said candidate. We can also be stuck with groupthink, which poses issues to enacting good public policies (though, of course, what counts as good policy is subjective).</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Bluer States