Why I ran the Boston Marathon
<p>There are at least two reasons we do anything.</p>
<p>The most obvious is what we <em>think</em> we should do, like “Some expert on a podcast said I should eat more blueberries.”</p>
<p>Then there is the second, less obvious reason, like “I want to feel better about my health.”</p>
<p>Last week I ran the Boston Marathon. Don’t bother looking up my results — it’s not all that impressive. In fact, if there was a bell curve with the fastest men in my age group on the left and the slowest on the right, I was barely hanging on somewhere in the middle.</p>
<p><a href="https://hughculver.medium.com/why-i-ran-the-boston-marathon-8102381da6a7"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>