Supreme Court’s gun ruling an opportunity for Maryland and other Blue States

<p>The Supreme Court seems to want States to experiment and adopt different rules on any number of matters. Maryland and other deep Blue States could experiment by drastically restricting the number of guns owned in the State and carried outside the home. Although we don&rsquo;t have proof of what effect a substantial reduction in guns would have, it seems worth trying. Instead of just nibbling around the edges, how about an approach that would get many guns off the street. This could be done through a combination of a tax on gun ownership and a voluntary buyback plan. The tax would make it more expensive to own a gun, which would provide part of the incentive for the buyback program. The latter should be well funded so as to make it attractive for people to turn guns in.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Blue States